
歌手:Bee Gees
Alone – Bee Gees 选自《Best of Bee Gees》专辑



中 文 名 比吉斯
外 文 名 Bee Gees
关 系 兄弟
出 生 爱尔兰海的曼岛
出道时间 1967年
地 位 世界最伟大乐团之一
类 型 组合
代表作品 《Love Songs》
主要成就 被授予14年格莱美终身成就奖

Bee Gees 来自爱尔兰海的曼岛,音乐组合。
比吉斯兄弟从小便受音乐的薰陶,父亲 Hugh是乐团的团长,母亲Barbara则是位歌手。9岁那时Barry已经开始歌唱并弹奏父亲送给他的吉他,帮他伴奏的是两个6岁的双胞胎兄弟 Robin与Maurice。Robin与Barry那独一无二的嗓音成为日后乐团的著名卷标,Maurice则是在吉他、贝斯及键盘等乐器上钻研。在十几岁时,他们随着父母搬至澳洲,以Rattlesnakes为团名在布里斯本的赛马场表演。
比吉斯组合(The Bee Gees)被授予2014年的格莱美终身成就奖。
1966年的Spicks & Specks为他们在澳洲得到首张冠军单曲,1967年三人以比吉斯为团名正式重返英伦。
经纪人一职由披头士经理人Brian Epstein的伙伴Robert Stigwood担任,从此(60年代)开始,比吉斯以旋风之姿风靡了英伦。1967年推出的首张大碟《The Bee Gees First》,不但让他们成为榜上常客,其运用文字描绘影像的歌词与让人无法抗拒的旋律,使得歌曲《New York Mining Disaster 1941》、《I Started A Joke》、《Massachusetts》、《Holiday》和《Words》如今依旧是代表那个年代的伟大歌曲。
随著《How Can You Mend A Broken Heart》在70年代初期夺下排行榜的冠军,比吉斯堂堂迈入他们的辉煌时期。70年代中期,比吉斯转向他们称之为“蓝眼灵魂乐”的音乐风格,以假音唱腔搭配富旋律的曲调与肥厚的贝斯声线,俨然成为新式的R&B风潮。对於他们来说,放克的增添使得他们对节奏蓝调的热情再次苏醒。《Main Course》这张由Arif Mardin打造的专辑,其中2支单曲《Jive Talkin’》与《Nights on Broadway》更在97年轰动各大舞池。然而对之后的《Saturday Night Fever》而言,它们只是道开胃前菜,因为这张《Saturday Night Fever》(周末的狂热)电影原声带後来成为70年代最受欢迎的专辑,并开出4千万张的销售狂潮。
接下来的《Spirits Having Flown》奠定了他们“世界最伟大乐团”之一的地位,在这段光辉岁月里,比吉斯缔造了两项空前绝後的纪录:乐史上唯一连续创作出6首全美冠军曲的艺人、以及唯一同时拥有5首歌曲在美国单曲榜Top 10的歌手。另一位Gibb家族成员也在70年代末期崭露头角,在Barry的庇护下,19岁的Andy Gibb在1978年囊括了三座单曲冠军《I Just Want to Be Your Everything》、《(Love Is) Thicker than Water》及《Shadow Dancing》。
比吉斯在80年代开始各自发展,80年初期Barry与他的制作群大部份时间都在和歌坛巨星如芭芭拉史翠珊的专辑《Guilty》、戴安娜罗丝的《Chain Reaction》、Dionne Warwick的《Heart breaker》以及肯尼罗杰斯与桃丽芭顿合唱的《Islands in the Stream》。这些由比吉斯创作加上Barry制作的歌曲,最后多数都成为歌手们最具代表的作品,而最佳拍挡比吉斯自己本身也以UK冠军《You Win Again》再现横扫全球的魅力。90年初比吉斯在五大洲举办久违的现场演出,紧接著的《One Night Only》电视特集更在全球造成热烈回响。
莫里斯因医疗失误而不幸逝世后,巴里和罗宾都极度伤心,宣布以后都不再以Bee Gees名义演出。但2005年一月,巴里、罗宾和一些传奇歌手出了专辑《Grief Never Grows Old》 以帮助南亚大海啸中的灾民。
不久,巴里在好友芭芭拉•史翠珊的劝说下决定重新出山,并为她创作了专辑《Guilty Pleasures》,并取得了巨大的成功。而此时,罗宾正在欧洲巡回演出。
2009年9月1日,巴里在与Easy Mix的空中访谈中表示,我们会回来。(他强调前提是要得到众人的同意)
英国当地时间2012年5月20日10:47,罗宾-吉布(Robin Gibb)因结肠癌和肝癌在伦敦一家医院去世,享年62岁。
2014年4月发行录音室专辑《The Warner Bros. Years 1987-1991》。
2015年3月,13STAR Records发行了唱片套装《1974–1979》,包括专辑《Mr. Natural, Main Course》。

The Bee Gees were a pop music group formed in 1958. Their line-up consisted of brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success; as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three-part tight harmonies; Robin’s clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry’s R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the late 1970s and 1980s. They wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists.
Born on the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived in Chorlton, Manchester, England, until the late 1950s where they formed the Rattlesnakes. The family then moved to Redcliffe, in Queensland, Australia, and then to Cribb Island. After achieving their first chart success in Australia as the Bee Gees with “Spicks and Specks” (their 12th single), they returned to the UK in January 1967 where producer Robert Stigwood began promoting them to a worldwide audience.
The Bee Gees have sold more than 220 million records worldwide, making them one of the world’s best-selling music artists of all time.They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997; the presenter of the award to “Britain’s first family of harmony” was Brian Wilson, historical leader of the Beach Boys, a “family act” also featuring three harmonising brothers.The Bee Gees’ Hall of fame citation says “Only Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Garth Brooks and Paul McCartney have outsold the Bee Gees.”
Following Maurice’s sudden death in January 2003 at the age of 53, Barry and Robin retired the group’s name after 45 years of activity. In 2009 Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed that the Bee Gees would re-form and perform again. Robin died in May 2012 at the age of 62, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member of the group’s final (and best known) line up.
In September and October 2013, Barry performed his first solo tour “in honour of his brothers and a lifetime of music”. In addition to the Rhino collection, ‘The Studio Albums: 1967–1968’, Warner Bros. released a box set in 2014 called ‘The Warner Bros Years: 1987–1991’ that included the studio albums ‘E.S.P.’, One, and ‘High Civilization’ as well as extended mixes and B-sides. It also included the band’s entire 1989 concert in Melbourne, Australia, available only on video as “All For One” prior to this release.The documentary ‘The Joy of the Bee Gees’ is aired on BBC Four on 19 December 2014.
In 2015, 13STAR Records released a box set ‘1974–1979’ by March 23 which included the studio albums ‘Mr. Natural, Main Course’, ‘Children of the World’ and ‘Spirits Having Flown’. A fifth disc called ‘The Miami Years’ includes all the tracks from ‘Saturday Night Fever’ as well as B-Sides. No unreleased tracks from the era were included.


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