If I Fail

歌手:Mono Inc.
If I Fail – Mono Inc. 选自《Voices Of Doom》专辑



If I Fail / 如果我放弃
乐队:Mono Inc./单声道公司

The sea is rough † The spindrift cold † The bridge[1] is under fire
大海暴怒 浪花冰冷 舰桥受到攻击

The master left the sinking ship as waves were rising higher † Unbaptized † Unconverted
怒涛飚涨 船长告别沉船 接受了洗礼 已无力回天

Just a henchman on the verge of throwing high aims overboard to feed the surge

But if I fail or if I fall † I’ll be aid and consolation †
我要么放弃,要么堕落 我要化身施援者和安慰者

If I range or if I crawl † I will shelter you my love
我要么漫游,我要么爬行 我将庇护你,我的爱

If I starve or if I sear † I’ll be faith and inspiration † Raise my hope and ease the fear †
我要么挨饿,要么枯焦 我要化身信念和启示 高举希望,安抚恐惧

I’ll be there to back you up

The sand like glow † The desert wide † The sun truncated brains
像闪光的沙粒 戈壁宽广无垠 烈日截平了智慧

The well dried up and thoughts are like a caravan in chains † Bedraggled and ahungered
深井干涸 思想像戴着镣铐的马帮 步履蹒跚 饥饿难当

Just a traveler in search of confidence and devotion before it burns

But if I fail or if I fall † I’ll be aid and consolation †
我要么漫游,要么爬行 我将庇护你,我的爱

If I range or if I crawl † I will shelter you my love
我要么放弃,要么堕落 我要化身施援者和安慰者

If I starve or if I sear † I’ll be faith and inspiration † Raise my hope and ease the fear †
我要么挨饿,要么枯焦 我要化身信念和启示 高举希望,安抚恐惧

I’ll be there to back you up

A lightning strike on killing fields † The soil is soaked with blood
一道闪电划过屠城 这片土地浸润鲜血

A deafening burst † The smell of death and faces blurred with mud † Ingenuous † Blameless
炸雷震耳欲聋 死亡的微笑和泥泞模糊的脸庞 正直而又无可指摘

A peace seeker in the jam † But I’m stuck in here till judgment day on ruined land
一个埋身困境的和平探索者 我要深植于这里,直到最后审判日降临这毁灭的土地


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