Sea of Dreams

Sea of Dreams – Godgory 选自《Way Beyond》专辑



1992年 Godgory以相当晦暗的形象出现在瑞典的金属圈。就好像为了验证乐队的名字,他们最初的风格就类似放入混和了残忍的Napalm Death、Entombed和Grave的一台搅拌机流出的浊物。   
1994年,受一部小说的影响,乐队的灵魂人物Matte Andersson 和 Erik Andersson(没有血缘关系)开始重新定义他们的音乐方向。厌倦了从前单调重复弹奏其他死亡金属大师级乐队的曲调之后,这2人决定闭关创作一些他们自己的音乐。   
很快,他们集中了旋律、残忍和死虐碾压的首张DEMO得到了Invasion Records(德国地下厂牌)的注意。   
他们的首张正式大碟-《Sea of Dreams》于96年1月面世。受诸如Tiamat、 Edge of Sanity 和 Cemetary的影响,这次出击充满了力量驱动的死亡金属意念。大气和凶猛的攻击倾向使乐队赢得了首批追随者。   
同年10月,Matte and Erik携一套新队员班底在Unisound录音室开始了他们的第二张专辑的录制工作,后命名为《Shadow Is Dance》。受首张唱片成功的鼓舞,乐队的第二张唱片无论从配器和创作上都显得更为成熟。歌曲风格仍然受着狠毒的死亡金属的影响,《Shadow Is Dance》使乐队看起来更像一台蓄满了情绪和凄暗欣喜的发电站。   
96年底,乐队感觉到在Invasion Records 的进度局限性而转入了另一家知名的德国厂牌――Nuclear Blast 。   

by Steve Huey
Swedish death metal outfit Godgory was formed by vocalist Matte Andersson and drummer Erik Andersson (no relation) in 1992 as that rarest of animals, a death metal cover band. After honing their chops for a couple of years on the likes of countrymen Entombed and Grave, Andersson and Andersson began working on original material, and the resulting demo landed a deal with the German label Invasion. Their 1996 debut album, Sea of Dreams, displayed a more progressive, Gothic sound than their early influences; the follow-up, Shadow’s Dance, appeared quickly later that year with an entirely new backing cast of studio musicians. Godgory jumped to the Nuclear Blast label for their third album, Resurrection, which appeared in 1999.


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